

I've been learning some Zig in my free time, which sent me down the Data Oriented Design rabbithole. While I had heard the term before, I didn't have a complete understanding of what it was. That was until I stumbled onto Mike Acton's CppCon talk.

Much has been said about this talk, and I find myself agreeing with most of the praise. However, I still think that the examples given are more complex than they need to be to drive home some of the key points. So, I tried to come up with the smallest example I could.


Say we have a collection of some "nodes" which we want to find the average value of based on some condition. The most straightforward implementation may look like:

// one.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

struct node {
  int value;
  bool include;

#define NUM_NODES 8
const struct node nodes[NUM_NODES] = {
  { 661255741, 0 },
  { 858440027, 1 },
  { 2015743814, 1 },
  { -614169128, 0 },
  { 726937019, 1 },
  { -1228229102, 1 },
  { -2135130442, 1 },
  { -348350879, 1 },

int main() {
  int sum = 0;
  int count = 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < NUM_NODES; i++) {
    struct node curr = nodes[i];
    if (curr.include) {
      sum += curr.value;

  printf("%d nodes counted with average: %f\n", 
    count, (double)sum/(double)count);

There are two main drawbacks to this approach, both related to the include field on the struct.

The data oriented approach would be to solve for the common case and maximize our use of the cache.

// two.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

struct node {
  int value;

const struct node included_nodes[NUM_INCLUDED_NODES] = {
  { 858440027 },
  { 2015743814 },
  { 726937019 },
  { -1228229102 },
  { -2135130442 },
  { -348350879 },

const struct node excluded_nodes[NUM_EXCLUDED_NODES] = {
  { 661255741 },
  { -614169128 },

int main() {
  int sum = 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < NUM_INCLUDED_NODES; i++) {
    sum += included_nodes[i].value;

  printf("%d nodes counted with average: %f\n", 

Here, we remove the bool from the struct and encode that bit of information by instead grouping the nodes into separate arrays based on whether or not they are included. Our "common case" is iterating over and adding included nodes. This solution allows us to iterate directly over them without needing a conditional check. Avoiding this check combined with avoiding struct padding makes much better use of the cache.



For unoptimized builds, the naive approach results in a ~60% cache miss rate. Combined with the additional instructions required and the increased number of loop iterations, this is the slowest of the runs. The data oriented approach reduces the cache miss rate to ~27%, while running 1/3 of the instructions. This leads to a >2x wall time improvement.

For optimized builds, the naive approach has a slightly better cache miss rate at ~53%. The compiler also was able to do some work, halving the amount of cycles and instructions needed. The data oriented approach drops down to a ~15% cache miss rate while also drastically reducing the amount of instructions and cycles by around an order of magnitude each.

This is possible due to the compiler auto-vectorizing and using paddd with xmm0 instead of addl with normal registers. It also unrolls the loop twice. This means that the naive approach does one addition per loop, whereas the data oriented approach does 8 additions per loop (in only 3 instructions). This was possible due to the simplication introduced by the data oriented approach.

Full perf output below

Debug (-g -O0)

 Performance counter stats for 'one_debug' (1024 runs):

           294,051      cache-references:u                                                      ( +-  0.02% )
           173,755      cache-misses:u                   #   59.09% of all cache refs           ( +-  0.48% )
        29,445,380      cycles:u                                                                ( +-  0.02% )
        14,320,751      instructions:u                   #    0.49  insn per cycle              ( +-  0.00% )
         2,135,613      branches:u                                                              ( +-  0.00% )
               189      faults:u                                                                ( +-  0.02% )
                 0      migrations:u                                                          

         0.0087163 +- 0.0000542 seconds time elapsed  ( +-  0.62% )

 Performance counter stats for 'two_debug' (1024 runs):

            85,982      cache-references:u                                                      ( +-  0.04% )
            23,817      cache-misses:u                   #   27.70% of all cache refs           ( +-  2.25% )
         3,932,744      cycles:u                                                                ( +-  0.03% )
         4,883,161      instructions:u                   #    1.24  insn per cycle              ( +-  0.00% )
           562,601      branches:u                                                              ( +-  0.00% )
                94      faults:u                                                                ( +-  0.04% )
                 0      migrations:u                                                          

         0.0038912 +- 0.0000820 seconds time elapsed  ( +-  2.11% )

Release (-O3)

 Performance counter stats for 'one_release' (1024 runs):

           299,789      cache-references:u                                                      ( +-  0.02% )
           161,372      cache-misses:u                   #   53.83% of all cache refs           ( +-  0.44% )
        15,365,240      cycles:u                                                                ( +-  0.03% )
         6,456,473      instructions:u                   #    0.42  insn per cycle              ( +-  0.00% )
         2,135,610      branches:u                                                              ( +-  0.00% )
               190      faults:u                                                                ( +-  0.02% )
                 0      migrations:u                                                          

         0.0064188 +- 0.0000569 seconds time elapsed  ( +-  0.89% )

 Performance counter stats for 'two_release' (1024 runs):

            71,807      cache-references:u                                                      ( +-  0.11% )
            11,414      cache-misses:u                   #   15.90% of all cache refs           ( +-  2.59% )
           534,521      cycles:u                                                                ( +-  0.56% )
           492,674      instructions:u                   #    0.92  insn per cycle              ( +-  0.00% )
           103,891      branches:u                                                              ( +-  0.00% )
                94      faults:u                                                                ( +-  0.04% )
                 0      migrations:u                                                          

         0.0014308 +- 0.0000312 seconds time elapsed  ( +-  2.18% )


Even for a painfully simple example, data oriented design shows how much can be gained when we are conscious of the platform we are running on and shape our data for our common case. In this basic example, we gained more than an order of magnitude of wall-time performance.